The Brains Behind Puckleboard

Josh - President and Director of Getting Things Done
Josh, our Director of Getting Things Done, spends most of his time figuring out how to turn our ideas into action. You see, we talked about starting something new for several years, but never made it past the idea stage. When Josh pushed the team to formalize the business, it was only weeks after his first child was born… maybe that’s why he lost the debate for having the title "Director of Great Ideas." When Josh isn’t working he enjoys learning about a recent fad amongst his family and friends called parenting. If you asked Josh what kind of animal he was, he would probably tell you something large and strong, like a Bull or Lion. In reality, he’s just a little guy with a BIG vision. He is a Hawk - focused, a leader and ready to fly higher than ever before with PuckleBoard on the horizon.
Jon - Director of Great Ideas
Jon, our Director of Great Ideas, ironically hasn't always lived up to that title. As a teenager, he once had the idea that he could complete the milk gallon challenge. That did not lead to very pretty results. Thankfully, since the inception of Flat Boards, Inc., his ideas have proven to be much greater and actually beneficial to our development. He is by far the most competitive of the bunch and may even claim to you that he has never lost a one-on-one game of PuckleBoard in his life (completely false). When not focused on PuckleBoard activities, Jon spends the majority of his time either traveling around the world or watching sports. He has a borderline unhealthy love of Philadelphia and holds some sort of a season ticket plan to all four major Philly sports teams. The highlight of his sports fandom was seeing the Eagles win their first Superbowl live at U.S. Bank Stadium with Josh's brother Jason (completely true). What animal best represents Jon? A wolf because of "their mentality of extreme loyalty and devotion to the group." He probably got that from googling wolves. They are pretty badass though.

Jeff - Director of Building Things
Jeff, our Director of Building Things, has always been using his hands. As a young child, you could find him constantly taking apart things and putting them back together. Now as an adult, he owns a home-remodeling business. In his free time these days, Jeff is either hiking with his two beautiful dogs Betty Sue and Champion or working on his never-ending home improvement project. He hopes his unique skills and background will help take Flat Boards, Inc. to the next level. If you asked Jeff what animal he would be, it would probably be a duck-billed platypus for no particular reason (other than the fact that it's probably the weirdest animal out there).

Ted - Director of Having Fun
Ted, our Director of Having Fun, unlike his esteemed colleagues, is the only founder not related by blood. However, as Josh’s childhood best friend and neighbor, Ted was exposed to the camaraderie and bond shared between Josh and his cousins (hereinafter referred to as the “family” - had to display his legal writing prowess) at an early age. Eventually, after spending so much time with the family and beating Jon in so many different things, Ted is officially an honorary cousin (or so he likes to think). A life-long New England native, Ted detests Philly sports and will never forgive the NFL or the referees for the Super Bowl-that-shall-not-be-named. He recently passed the bar to become a licensed attorney and is a darn fine one at that! When considering what animal Ted most closely associated himself with, there were many choices, but he ultimately landed on the monkey. Ted is a human; monkeys are closely related to humans, so the choice was pretty easy. Both Ted and monkeys often use tools to eat food, are hairy, enjoy bananas, and always have a great time. Ted also really enjoys monkey business; so yeah, monkey it is.